
Paul’s extensive background consists of a triple-major in Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Philosophy, presenting his pharmaceutical chemistry research finding for Genentech at a national chemistry conference, and doing economic development for the state of Kansas. He has already received a Master of Arts in Philosophy as well as a Master of Healthcare Administration to prepare him to continue his journey as a healthcare ethicist.

A Memorial Post To Julia

It is impossible to capture all that Julia means to me and for so many others, so I am not going to try.  Instead, I am going to set the record straight and then tell you a story from the “last” day I got to be with her. Setting The Record Straight Everyone who met …

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A Prayer for Julia

Heavenly Father, We Thank You for loving us. We Thank You for sending us your son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to the World to save and to set us free.  We trust in your power and grace that sustain and restore us. Loving Father, touch Julia now with your healing hands, for we believe that …

A Prayer for Julia Read More »

Final Novena Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus, I have specific requests that may only partially fill the infinite needs and desires that are in my heart. I ask that You answer me not only for those requests but also for a greater reliance on You to satisfy the needs and desires that You have given me. Please grant the …

Final Novena Prayer Read More »


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